Then and Now Superman movie

| Sep 6, 2013

Superman first movie release in 1978, but the comic version had long previous releases. I will try to try to study from a source at Yahoo difference Superman Superman of the past with the present that looks more futuristic. Here is a comparison of the versions of Superman with Christopher Reeve Superman Henry Cavill.

"Long has the iconic red underwear, which is not new. Already in 2013, it was Superman should already know how to wear the right underwear."

"Christopher Reeve is difficult to move when the scene prior to fly as many straps that support the body. Now Henry Cavill should be grateful to computer technology, he did not even have to hang from the rope to the scene to fly, so he can still pose during landing."

"Represents the image of Christopher Reeve as Clark appeared wearing glasses and dressed in the Daily Planet. While Henry Cavill, appeared with beard and even not at all (only briefly) wearing glasses in "Man of Steel".

"He is the most ambitious and courageous reporter at the Daily Planet, were both played by the beautiful actress. Both Margot Kidder and Amy Adams are both playing the character Lois match this. But Amy does not change the color of dark brown hair so typical Lois, but remained on the hair reddish."

"Marlon Brando appeared all in white, clean, from hair to shoes as a father Kal-El. While Russell Crowe is more nuanced darker, and has a beard."

"Kal-El has always had a beautiful mother, in the film version whenever you watch."

 "Zod first played by British stage actor, with a neatly trimmed beard named Terrence Stamp, while Zod is now played by Michael Shannon."

"Former idol Jackie Cooper considered very suitable Perry White played a character who in the comics is known: middle-aged, cigar-sucking, and running a business newspaper in Metropolis, while Laurence Fishburne become the first African-American who played this character. "

"At the age of 59 years, Phyllis Thaxter give the impression that Martha Kent in "Superman" is a type of smart grandmas cooking, like to read bedtime tale, and loving family as is. But Diane Lane change it all. He gave a new image to the mother of Clark Kent's more modern."


  "Glenn Ford looks too old to be a father of Clark Kent. Seniors Jonathan Kent, played by Kevin Costner looks more appropriate."


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